automated control systems

The automated control system for power supply facilities and control of traction substations based on the STK-004 module is a multi-level hierarchical control system that includes a set of hardware and software and communication channels that provide comprehensive automatic and automated control of all technological processes within one substation (electrical installations ), as well as the ability to remotely control one or a group of substations from a remote control center.

Design and development

The STOUT company has developed a new family of configurable remote controllers STK-004 for use as nodal elements of the upper and middle levels of automated control systems for power supply facilities and control of traction substations.
As part of the transport strategy, in the formation of a unified transport space in Russia on the basis of the balanced development of an efficient transport infrastructure, it is planned to implement measures that include the modernization and increase of the throughput of the digital technological communication network, as well as the replacement and modernization of equipment for the power supply system, including reconstruction and renewal 763 traction substations, automatic blocking systems. It is planned to create a unified information environment for the interaction of various types of transport, participants in the transport process, customs and other state control bodies.

description of the system

An automated control system for power supply facilities and control of traction substations is a multilevel hierarchical control system that includes a set of hardware and software and communication channels that provide comprehensive automatic and automated control of all technological processes within one substation (electrical installation), as well as the possibility of remote control of one or a group of substations from a remote control room.

Picture. 1. An example of building an automated control system for power supply facilities

control scheme in ACS power supply facilities

The upper level includes a server with a SCADA package installed on it, which collects, processes, archives information about monitoring objects and provides all information to the dispatcher’s automated workstation (AWP) in the most convenient form for perception (in the form of graphs, retrospectives, single-line diagrams). The middle (level of reference substations) and the lower level (intermediate and dead-end substations) are the levels of the object (controller) – they include various sensors to collect information about the progress of the technological process, electric drives and actuators for the implementation of regulatory and control actions.

Picture. 2. An example of the organization of a control scheme in an automated control system for power supply facilities

The functional control unit STK-004

The fact of the prevailing spread of the IBM-PC architecture among Russian enterprises and organizations, the established requirements for automation nodes and the experience of building trunk-modular systems on the standard VME bus determined the concept of the new STK-004 platform. The core of the platform is an industrial single-board CPU module in the VME standard, based on the latest Intel processors, of different performance and cost. This block is an Intel CPU based CPU module that is designed to meet the VME bus specification. The module is intended for use as part of single and multiprocessor control real-time computing systems based on the VME bus. Controllers based on this module are 100% compatible with IBM PC.

Picture. 3. Block diagram of the automated monitoring and control system based on the STK-004 controller


Description controller STC-004

Remote telemechanics controller STK-004 can be used as a part of telemechanical control equipment and is designed for installation at controlled points with an information capacity of 48TS / 24TU. Informational compatible with telemechanics systems of other manufacturers. Transmission via digital communication channels is carried out according to the IEC 870-5-101 protocol.

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Picture. 4. External view of the control cabinet with the STK-004 module.


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